Friday, July 31, 2009

I am constantly dreaming about my teeth fallling out or losing my false teeth?

I always dream about my teeth falling out too - don't have a clue why though!

I am constantly dreaming about my teeth fallling out or losing my false teeth?
this is a problem with false teeth, they tend to fall out!!
Reply:I read somewhere once it means you are scared of getting old.
Reply:Loosing teeth means loss of energy in your daily life, exhaustion, etc. It may show problems with family members (roots). Such dream indicates that you must take better care of yourself, eat healthy, exercise, and make life changes that would make you happy.
Reply:I too have had this dream many times. Very strange isn't it!

I come to find that Maybe it means, that you feel like your losing something, something that your very attached to.
Reply:if you keep them clean and take care of them you should not have to worry about them falling out..
Reply:Popularly teeth are supposed to stand for aggressive sexuality - although more properly they signify the growth process towards sexual maturity. Teeth falling out easily indicates we are aware of going through some transition, similar to that from childhood to maturity or from maturity to old age and helplessness. If there is anxiety about teeth falling out it suggests fear of getting old and undesirable or anxiety about maturity. If a woman swallows teeth it signifies pregnancy.
Reply:i lost my false teeth once told the wife not to laugh and she couldn't stop we Finally found them under her pillow( NOT FUNNY AT THE TIME )funny now
Reply:i read in a book of dreams somewhere that dreaming about loosing ur teeth, meant problems in your life stress and anxiety, even money problems anything related to not being able to cope with worries of everyday life. dont know how they know this ?
Reply:i had that a few times, thought it was a bit strange! glad am not the only one!...

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