Saturday, July 25, 2009

What does it mean when you dream about losing your teeth?

i know this is exactly a psychology question but i didn't know what category to put it under.

What does it mean when you dream about losing your teeth?
They say when you dream of teeth falling that means someone is going to pass on. I would look up dictionary of dreams.

Teeth Normally an unfavorable sign in a dream. It signifies displeasure and also shows that you are afraid of losing someone dear to you.

You can look up in some of the website I use

Good luck.
Reply:Very often, losing teeth losing control. It could be about communication or daily activities. People projecting teeth losing because that is where the hardest part of the bodies are.
Reply:It means that you're gonna have to get "dream dentures" so you can chew your "dream steaks" and nibble on "dream earlobes".
Reply:i guess it means your divorcing your husband
Reply:it means you are afraid that PAC MAN might come by and waka waka waka waka - eat you!

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